Award winner / Living Conditions

Award winner / Living Conditions

CPR Invest – Social Impact
Avec ce fonds, CPR AM propose aux investisseurs une méthodologie transversale pour appréhender, via une gestion active, la thématique des inégalités définie autour de 5 piliers : Revenus et Marché du travail, Politique fiscale, Santé & Education, Diversité, Droits humains & Besoins de base. Chacun des cinq piliers regroupent des critères d’évaluation propres aux Etats (par exemple : progressivité du système fiscal, salaire minimum, part des dépenses d’éducation et de santé dans le PIB, etc.) et d’autres propres aux entreprises (par exemple : écarts de rémunérations, conditions de travail, politique de diversité, formation des salariés, etc.). L’objectif est d’obtenir un univers d’investissement qui surperforme socialement l’indice de référence du fonds (MSCI All Country World Index), en rassemblant les entreprises les plus vertueuses selon leur participation à l’effort de réduction des inégalités dans leur pays d’origine.
Contact :
Pauline Marteau –

Habitat & Humanisme Pensions de Famille
Context: Housing for very low-income people facing life hardships (loss of partner or job, health, old age, etc.) is still a major issue in France. The state-sponsored social housing sector (c. 5M flats housing about 10M people) does not cater well for under-resourced/disadvantaged people. Since 1985 HH very social housing is targeting this leftover population by offering access to decent affordable housing and social inclusion. As of end-2019 HH managed 8,750 flats of different types all over France, Belgium and Luxemburg. The Project: Pensions de Famille (PDF) is one of HH housing offering, among others like individual flats, intergenerational houses, nursing homes, and refugee centers. A PDF welcome mostly single people so that they feel at home without being lonely. Residents pay a subsidized rent. They are helped towards social inclusion by 1 or 2 House Manager and volunteers. A PDF building has 20 housing units on average (small flats of 20 to 25 sq meters) and collective areas (kitchen, living room, laundry room, garden, etc.), and is located in town centers, close to shops, transports and medical services. Residents have a right to stay as long as they want/can.
Contact :
Bernard de Coudenhove – Lydie Crepet ( –

KIMS Microfinance
KIMS Microfinance was launched in 2014 as Somalia’s first and only privately-owned microfinance institution. KIMS Microfinance operates on a commercial basis providing enterprise financing and linked savings services to low income but economically active Somalis and Somali small businesses. KIMS vision is to offer diverse microfinance services with a priority focus on low income youth and women in both urban and rural areas in Somalia. KIMS mission is to achieve this through contributing to the economic and social development by provision of high quality diversified microfinance services including savings and financing of small and microenterprises according to the Islamic sharia principles while continuing to occupy a pioneering position in the financial sector.
Contact :
Justin SYKES