Impact, Inform, Inspire.

Presented by
Option Finance HD 2

SIA highlights ESG projects with high impact

Produced by
Logo Skills Gris
PHOTO New Sophie FAUJOUR 1 1



"La crise du Covid-19 est un test pour la RSE des entreprises. Comme bien identifié par SIA, la qualité de l’impact et de l’engagement des initiatives prenant en compte les différentes parties prenantes privé-public et société civile sont des facteurs clés de succès."
Philippe Clerc Modified

Philippe CLERC

Finance for tomorrow

"Commit to act, Scale up to grow, Transform it for effective sustainability."
Olivier De Guerre

Olivier de GUERRE


"La force de l’exemple, levier que nous partageons avec SIA est un formidable moteur d’inspiration et d’adhésion."
2016 Marie Luchet  2 Croop Circle


Principles for Responsible Investment

"Smart allocation of capital has significant potential to help solving the world’s most pressing sustainability issues by creating lasting positive change for organisations and projects. Sharing best practices is key to support the shift of the financial market towards more positive real-world outcomes."
Andrea Gonzalez Photo Circle Cropped IMG 2471 Modified

Andrea González GONZÁLEZ


"It relies on initiatives such as SIA for impact investing to reach its full potential as one of the most effective fast-paced tools to achieve desired sustainable development levels."
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"The most inspirational investor-led ESG projects must be shared and celebrated. These awards will help reveal just how high Europe is raising the bar for the rest of the world."
Nils Pedersen GCF Credit F Lafite Croop Circle


Global Compact France

"The challenges that are piling up should prompt us, without further delay, to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The role of investors is to be part of this framework, and thus to direct their funding massively towards projects creating a positive social or environmental impact."
Jean Guillaume Dornano

Jean-Guillaume D'ORNANO

Option Finance

"Les entreprises investissent de plus en plus dans des projets ESG, qui profitent aux communautés locales dans le monde entier. Cependant, beaucoup d'entre elles, par manque de ressources, ont du mal à faire connaître leurs engagements pour attirer d’autres investisseurs et obtenir davantage de soutien. SIA veut mettre en lumière ces projets, qui nous l'espérons, inspireront d'autres à suivre l'exemple avec leurs propres initiatives"
QNG Roland Kölsch 2c Modified


FNG Label

"With environmental and social aspects being nowadays a core topic in financial markets a clear shift towards actual impact is evolving as Sustainable Finance 3.0. Highlighting projects that focus on real world-changes is a more than needed opportunity for the investment community desperately striving for generating impact."
Grégoire Cousté Cropped Image

Grégoire Cousté

Forum pour l’Investissement Responsable

"Quel va être l’impact social et environnemental des investissements ? Au-delà de la nécessaire gestion des risques qui a poussé au développement de l’ESG, c’est désormais la question clé pour les acteurs de la finance responsable."
Ulrik Fonsmark Modified

Ulrik Fonsmark Andreasen

France Invest’s Impact Commission

"We need more capital for real impact investing and less hype."

Drive inspiration by example

SIA was created to bring recognition, commitment and financial support to impact projects,
run by investors in order to encourage new initiatives.


                 Improve your recognition                                        as an impact investor                        and gain traction


       Attended by European investors,       media and ESG influencers


Raise your project’s visibility
across Europe




The conference


We are faced with climate, social and governance emergencies that undermine our balance and security.

Do we have to wait for everyone to make a move, for regulators, governments and major industry players? Or can we engage in concrete projects and build momentum for change?

There are hundreds of impact investing projects that have made and will continue to make a difference. If these impact projects were better communicated, they would certainly inspire more engagement and financial support.

SIA: Impact, Inform, Inspire.

Sustainable Investment in Action is an initiative produced by SKILLS, designed to bring recognition, engagement and financial support to impact projects led by European investors.

SIA highlights concrete impact projects led by European investment leaders through a conference and awards ceremony (SIA awards) with the possibility of a dedicated communication plan offered to selected projects.

The SIA conference and awards ceremony are organized by the Option Finance media group and benefit from the support of influential ESG organizations and numerous European media partners.

The presence of many European investors, media and influencers at the event makes it an exceptional opportunity to promote impact projects to a new audience.

The awards

Awards are judged by an independent and expert jury.

They are awarded each year in different categories covering the United Nations SDGs.

Judging process

You will be asked to fill in an application questionnaire on the SIA digital platform. You may submit several projects but will need to complete a separate questionnaire for each one.

The jury

Emmanuel De La Ville 1
Emmanuel DE LA VILLE

Founder & CEO

Since 2004, Emmanuel de La Ville has been the founder & CEO of EthiFinance, a non-financial analysis and consulting agency that supports its clients in managing risks and opportunities related to sustainable development.

Emmanuel has spent the last 15 years in :

  • ESG research methodology of European companies
  • ESG Due Diligences of companies owned by private equity firms
  • ESG advice to asset owners based in France, UK and Switzerland

PHOTO New Sophie FAUJOUR 1 2

Lead European corporate initiative & France Iberia
EVPA corporate & france

Sophie is leading market building efforts in France and Europe namely with European Corporates to help various practitioners like foundations and impact investing funds scaling their impact. She sits on the Board of non-profit organizations including PHITRUST Incubator.

Prior joining EVPA in 2016, she occupied several senior positions at BNP Paribas: in charge of the Wealth Management strategy for Philanthropy, Impact investing & Social Responsible Investment and as an Investment banker for more than 15 years.

Philippe Clerc Modified
Philippe CLERC

Project Manager – Impact
Finance for Tomorrow

Philippe Clerc has joined Finance for Tomorrow since June 2021. He joined Neoma Business School in 2020 as lecturer in Ethical and Sustainable Finance. He is implied in extra-financial analysis approach to combine it with financial one, to go through outcomes to get final impact : as a financial analyst (EFFAS-SFAF 2002), he is a volunteer member of the extra-financial analysis commission of the SFAF and its working groups on Impact Investing and Governance. Passionate about transition and climate, he is a Shifter volunteer and has been implied in several project mode working groups on decarbonization.

Nils Pedersen GCF Credit F Lafite Croop Circle

General Delegate
Global Compact France

With nearly 15 years of experience in multi-stakeholder societal issues and social innovation, Nils Pedersen joined Global Compact France in April 2021. He has spent part of his career with the EDF Group, where he has supported the initiatives of numerous local actors. Subsequently, within the Foundation France is committed, it has been in charge of project financing operations and institutional relations, in the direction of networks of entrepreneurs with positive impact. He is also involved in the associative network and chairs La Fonda, the think-tank of the associative world.

QNG Roland Kölsch 2c Modified

Managing Director
FNG Label

Roland Kölsch, former traditional and SRI fund manager, is the managing director of the Quality assurance organisation for sustainable investments (QNG), being responsible for the FNG-Label. He has been working in the field of sustainable investments in Brussels, Germany, Switzerland and Paris for more than 15 years and currently contributes his expertise also to EU working groups on sustainable finance.

Olivier De Guerre
Olivier de GUERRE

Chairman and CEO

Olivier de Guerre created Phitrust in 2003. Together with the Phitrust teams, it develops investment solutions specialising in shareholder engagement and social impact investing in Europe. Before creating Phitrust, Olivier de Guerre has developed a long experience as an asset manager for families/foundations or institutional investors. Olivier is a board member of :

  • the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) in Brussels
  • the Finansol Association (France)
  • the Admical Association.(France)
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Head of Events

Sally joined UKSIF as Head of Events in 2021, and is responsible for growing and managing their events across the sustainable finance sphere. She has extensive experience across the financial ecosystem, particularly within alternative investments and insurance. Sally is passionate about climate, diversity and sustainable economics.

2016 Marie Luchet  2 Croop Circle

Director of Continental Europe
Principles for Responsible Investment

Responsible investment pioneer with a 20-year track record in sustainable finance, ESG research and corporate sustainability, Marie Luchet joined the PRI in 2016. Now Director of Continental Europe, she is managing a team of relationship managers supporting European investors in their responsible investment journey, in public and private markets. Prior to joining the PRI, Marie was Head of responsible investment & ESG integration at the French investment manager Ecofi Investissements. She also worked as ESG sell-side analyst at CM-CIC Market Solutions and as CSR officer and environmental law counsel at PSA Peugeot Citroën.

Grégoire Cousté Cropped Image
Grégoire COUSTE

Executive Director

Before joining French SIF he was Communication Director of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD), a scientific organisation. He previously led public affairs and strategic communication activities of Nextep, a consulting firm focused on health economics and pharmaceutical industry. Grégoire started his carrier as journalist at the news radio BFM Business and at the news agency Dioranews, where he managed editorial partnerships. Grégoire graduated from IPAG Business School and CNAM in Health and Development. He is part-time teacher at Jean Moulin University in Lyon and as SRI professional, he is regularly invited to speak at business schools and universities. He is co-author of the book “SRI and Responsible Finance” Ellipses editions.

Andrea Gonzalez Photo Circle Cropped IMG 2471 Modified

Deputy Director

Andrea is a Spanish economist specialised in sustainability and corporate social responsibility. She has accumulated relevant experience working at very different kind of entities, from international organizations to universities, non-profit organizations and companies belonging to the financial sector, many of them related to European Union political affairs; before she specialized in sustainable finance. At present, she is part of the Spanish Sustainable Investment Forum (Spainsif), where she holds the Deputy Director position.

Jean Guillaume Dornano Pays Dr
Jean-Guillaume D'ORNANO

Option Finance

Jean-Guillaume d'Ornano has spent most of his career in the media and press. After more than 10 years spent between the media and investment banking in New York, he managed the Paris Turf and Week End newspapers of the Hersant group and created the Turf Editions group, of which he was one of the main shareholders via an LBO. In 2009, back at the Figaro Group, he took over the management of TV Magazine. Between 2009 and 2011, he was a member of the Executive Committee of Le Figaro and took over the general management of Madame Figaro, the Stock Exchange & Heritage division and the general management of the group's industrial activities. In 2011, he bought the Option Finance group, making it the only press group for professionals in corporate finance, asset management, business law and insurance.

Ulrik Fonsmark Modified

Member of the France Invest’s Impact Commission & Managing Director of Impact Partners Nordic FRANCE INVEST

As a partner of Impact Partners for the Nordic countries, Ulrik is looking for social impact companies to invest in at growth stage – while also fundraising their growth equity funds in Europe. Prior to being a partner, Ulrik was a diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, working on public-private partnerships at the Global Green Growth Forum, international trade, foreign direct investments and the Danish governments green growth policies.

Who is eligible to the SIA Awards & Communication Pack ?

An eligible project must be led and supported by investors. It must have been running
for a minimum of one year and fulfill stringent criteria

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Impact: Materials and supporting data proving impact must be provided by the project leader.

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Involvement: Effectiveness of engagement with stakeholders and local communities (human impact).

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Replicability: The project can be adapted or reproduced by others.

Why should you submit your project ?

The applicant projects will be analyzed by the SIA jury and will benefit from:

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Awards participation

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Award logo (winners only)

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Award ceremony: One seat for the project team at one award ceremony per year

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Presentation of all projects on SIA website and social media

September 2021 /
January 2022

Project submission

January / February

Jury deliberation

March / April

Nominees Pitching preparation


Conference & Award ceremony




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Visibility Packs

For project leaders

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Video interview of the project leader realized by SIA partners

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Webpage, developed by SIA, to present the project impact, teams and ambitions

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Presentation leaflet of the project produced by SIA

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Press information highlighting the impact of the project, distributed via SIA media partners’ international network

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Presentation of the project on SIA media partners’ publications, social media and websites

Sponsors Packs

SIA sponsorship packages will position your brand as an ESG leader willing to favor action and engagement. Sponsors will benefit from speaking opportunities, brand visibility, free passes to the Investors-attended conference, and the possibility to submit some projects carried out by the sponsor teams.

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Free passes

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Branding visibility

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Marketing Opportunities

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Speaking opportunities

Partners News

SIT 2022 Call For Impact Solutions

Social Innovation Tournament by the European Investment Bank

Let the Social Innovation Tournament journey begin. Applications to the SIT are open !

Don’t miss your chance to apply with your promising idea or project that is ready to be launched or scaled up.

The 15 finalists will compete for a first prize of €75 000 and a second prize of €30 000 in both the General and Special Categories.

Applications are open from 17 January until 24 February and can cover any of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. This year, the Special Category prize will focus on the blue and green economy.

ESEM Social Media Inform The Next Generation Of Policy

European Social Entrepreneurship Monitor (ESEM) by Euclid Network

Calling all Impact-Driven & Social Entrepreneurs. Fill in the European Social Enterprise Monitor survey 2021 before 31st January.

The ESEM survey provides a unique opportunity to contribute and influence the next generation of social enterprise strategies, legislation, policies and funding. Ensure your voice is heard and stand up for social enterprises and the UN SDGs nationally and at EU level!

The European Social Enterprise Monitor (ESEM) project initiated by Euclid Network, close to 40 social enterprise alliance members, partners and universities, supported by the European Commission, closes the social enterprise data gap in Europe and informs decision-makers in politics, government, civil society and the economy on the needs and barriers that social enterprises face nationally, and at EU-level.  

EBAN Survey Impact Investing

EBAN Impact Investment Survey 2021

We are proud to be driving research surrounding impact investing in startups that are dedicated to a societal or environmental cause. This is why we are supporting the EBAN Impact Investing Survey. That way we empower impact investors by giving them the data and the facts to make informed investments.

That’s where you come in: You can help EBAN gather crucial data on impact investing by becoming part of the EBAN Impact Investing Survey. If you are a business angel making investments that have a positive impact on the society and the environment, EBAN needs your insights! Please note that all replies are confidential and we will only use aggregated results and store the replies following all GDPR requirements.


Media Partners