Les gagnants SIA 2022
Les awards SIA ont décerné 9 prix et 2 mentions spéciales dans des catégories issues des ODD des nations unies. Découvrez les gagnants de 2022 !
Nominés 2022
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Nationalité de l’investisseur principal

We are Capable Namibia
Le jury SIA 2022

Emmanuel de La Ville
Fondateur & CEO
Depuis 2004, Emmanuel de La Ville est le fondateur & CEO d'EthiFinance, une agence d'analyse et de conseil extra-financier qui accompagne ses clients dans la gestion des risques et opportunités liés au développement durable.
Emmanuel a passé les 15 dernières années dans :

Directrice Générale
EVPA corporate & france
Sophie is leading market building efforts in France and Europe namely with European Corporates to help various practitioners like foundations and impact investing funds scaling their impact. She sits on the Board of non-profit organizations including PHITRUST Incubator.
Prior joining EVPA in 2016, she occupied several senior positions at BNP Paribas: in charge of the Wealth Management strategy for Philanthropy, Impact investing & Social Responsible Investment and as an Investment banker for more than 15 years.

Philippe CLERC
Chef de projet – Impact
Finance for Tomorrow
Philippe Clerc has joined Finance for Tomorrow since June 2021. He joined Neoma Business School in 2020 as lecturer in Ethical and Sustainable Finance. He is implied in extra-financial analysis approach to combine it with financial one, to go through outcomes to get final impact : as a financial analyst (EFFAS-SFAF 2002), he is a volunteer member of the extra-financial analysis commission of the SFAF and its working groups on Impact Investing and Governance. Passionate about transition and climate, he is a Shifter volunteer and has been implied in several project mode working groups on decarbonization.

Directeur Général
FNG Label
Roland Kölsch, former traditional and SRI fund manager, is the managing director of the Quality assurance organisation for sustainable investments (QNG), being responsible for the FNG-Label.
He has been working in the field of sustainable investments in Brussels, Germany, Switzerland and Paris for more than 15 years and currently contributes his expertise also to EU working groups on sustainable finance.

Olivier de GUERRE
Président Directeur Général
Olivier de Guerre crée Phitrust en 2003.
Il développe avec les équipes de Phitrust des solutions d’investissement spécialisées dans l'engagement actionnarial et dans l’investissement à impact social en Europe.
Avant de créer Phitrust, Olivier de Guerre a développé une longue expérience de gestionnaire d'actifs pour le compte de familles / fondations ou d'institutionnels.
Olivier est administrateur de l’European Venture Philanthropy Association à Bruxelles, de l'Association Finansol et de l’Admical en France.

Directrice des événements
Sally joined UKSIF as Head of Events in 2021, and is responsible for growing and managing their events across the sustainable finance sphere. She has extensive experience across the financial ecosystem, particularly within alternative investments and insurance. Sally is passionate about climate, diversity and sustainable economics.

Grégoire COUSTE
Délégué général et Secrétaire général du Conseil
Avant de rejoindre le FIR en 2009, il était directeur de la communication de The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) et auparavant responsable du Pôle affaires publiques et communication stratégique de Nextep, Consulting & Health Economics, cabinet spécialisé dans les industries de santé. Grégoire a commencé sa carrière comme journaliste à la Radio BFM, puis au sein de l’agence DioraNews, dont il était chargé de développer les partenariats éditoriaux.
Grégoire est diplômé de l’IPAG Business School et du CNAM en Santé et Développement. Il est enseignant vacataire en master 2 Finance - Ingénierie Financière et Transactions à l’IAE de l’Université Jean Moulin de Lyon. Il est co-auteur du livre « ISR et Finance responsable » aux éditions Ellipses.

Directrice Adjointe
Andrea is a Spanish economist specialised in sustainability and corporate social responsibility. She has accumulated relevant experience working at very different kind of entities,
from international organizations to universities, non-profit organizations and companies belonging to the financial sector, many of them related to European Union political affairs;
before she specialized in sustainable finance. At present, she is part of the Spanish Sustainable Investment Forum (Spainsif), where she holds the Deputy Director position.

Member of the France Invest’s Impact Commission & Managing Director of Impact Partners Nordic FRANCE INVEST
As a partner of Impact Partners for the Nordic countries, Ulrik is looking for social impact companies to invest in at growth stage – while also fundraising their growth equity funds in Europe. Prior to being a partner, Ulrik was a diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, working on public-private partnerships at the Global Green Growth Forum, international trade, foreign direct investments and the Danish governments green growth policies.